A military veteran asked John McBush why he continually voted against the G.I. healthcare bill. McBush won't answer the question, he filibusers, blows smoke and tells the guy that he has been endorsed by every veterans group in the country. The veteran repeats the question, then McBush loses it.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
John McCain Gets Testy
A military veteran asked John McBush why he continually voted against the G.I. healthcare bill. McBush won't answer the question, he filibusers, blows smoke and tells the guy that he has been endorsed by every veterans group in the country. The veteran repeats the question, then McBush loses it.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
NOW'S Media Hall of Shame
The National Organization for Women has compiled a website that itemizes and rates the many misogynistic rants that passed for "journalism" during the democratic primary. No surprise that NBC and MSNBC were the worst offenders. Check out the website (if you can stomach it) and vote in the interactive poll. Media Hall of Shame.
If you would like to contact the creep who runs MSNBC, his contact information is below.
Phil Griffin -- MSNBC
Title: Executive Producer
Department: Hardball with Chris Matthews
E-mail: phil.griffin@msnbc.com
Phone: (202) 783-2615
Fax: (202) 737-4986
Address: 400 N Capitol St NW, Washington, DC 2000
If you would like to contact the creep who runs MSNBC, his contact information is below.
Phil Griffin -- MSNBC
Title: Executive Producer
Department: Hardball with Chris Matthews
E-mail: phil.griffin@msnbc.com
Phone: (202) 783-2615
Fax: (202) 737-4986
Address: 400 N Capitol St NW, Washington, DC 2000
Friday, June 20, 2008
Hey Europe -- Use More Oil
This morning on CNBC -- the "Business Network", Michelle Caruso-Cabrera was opining about the cost of oil. She alluded to the price of oil in Europe and stated that gas in Europe has always been high due to "taxes that go to their outdated social programs"! Excuse me! She is bellyaching about what other countries do? Is she saying that countries outside of the U.S. should not make their own decisions? Is she saying that countries outside of the U.S. should do as the U.S. does?? Isn't that what got us into trouble in Iraq? This poor woman needs to educate herself about those "outdated social programs" that she so ignorantly referred to.
First of all, the tax on gasoline is high for many reasons. #1. To encourage people to use public transportation. What a concept!

#2. To keep congestion at a reasonable rate, so that people can get to work.

#3. To help slow down pollution and global warming.
These reasons may seem "outdated" to big-oil apologists at CNBC, but to the rest of the world they are very responsible actions.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Who's Watching The Hen House?
While the talking heads have been jockeying for the "I was Russert's best friend ever" title, they have given us a ringside seat to see their nepotism in action. There were far too many examples to include here, but I'll use this one as a case in point. Campbell Brown from CNN, who in an attempt to illustrate what a good guy Tim Russert was, told us that when her son was born she received a handwritten note from Russert (her old boss at NBC) in which he promised her son a job when he grew up. This is a blatant example of the "old boy network". I find this quite chilling. We have laws against media consolidation, because of the inherent dangers of the media being monopolized, but surely this is a variation on that theme. Everybody's nephew, sister, brother -- whatever, "you can get a job here as long as you don't make waves!"
Then of course, we were subjected to the politicians who couldn't wait to get their condolences on the air, to express what a stand-up guy Russert was and how they attended many of the same parties and social engagements. Are you kidding me! Who is watching the hen house? We have cronyism in politics, because no one is watching them. The media can't criticize a practice they invented. We need a revolution I tell you!
Then of course, we were subjected to the politicians who couldn't wait to get their condolences on the air, to express what a stand-up guy Russert was and how they attended many of the same parties and social engagements. Are you kidding me! Who is watching the hen house? We have cronyism in politics, because no one is watching them. The media can't criticize a practice they invented. We need a revolution I tell you!
Enough Already!
Is Tim Russert still dead? No disrespect meant, but how much more of this coverage are we expected to take. It's amazing when one of their own dies, the talking heads act as if the whole world has to come to a standstill. This highlights a stark contrast to the coverage given to the deaths of young men and women who are deployed in Iraq. I find it quite disgusting. We can clearly see where their priorities lie.
Friday, June 13, 2008
The Pot Calling The Kettle Black
Katie Couric has no room to criticize her partners in crime when it comes to sexism. She is hardly a paragon of virtue in that arena. I will post more about her complicity later.
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